Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Ps3

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  1. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Ps3 Review
  2. Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Ps3 Reviews

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is a fast-paced Action-packed Tactical First Person Shooter Video game by Ubisoft Montreal. Seventh Installment in the Series, This brilliant game sets you up into the character of Bishop, the main protagonist and takes you to an amazing ride of action, adventure and thrill all together. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2 could be described as part Sequel and Part Prequel to the previous game in the series and offers the story that continues from where it left in Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas. In this sequel the game allows you to enjoy brilliant new customization options, have teammate AIs with enhanced systems, you can also have loads of new commands over the AI Teammates, have new and improved weapons and loads of other great perks etc. With all the amazing Single and Multiplayer Co-Op campaigns and missions, amazingly fast paced combats and improved reaction time, enhanced game mechanics, Hardcore Action and Thrill filled gameplay, fantastic game visuals and a truly well written storyline, Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is total blast.

4233d agoand this is directed towards u 'antoinetm'. He's quite accurate in his numbers and they are correct.

U forget that Sony is a corporation and SCE is only a subsidary. Microsft only deals in software while Sony has business in many fields, which include:Insurance (Sony Life)Banking(Sony Bank)Electronics(SCE)Movies/TV(Sony Pictures)Telephones(Sony Ericsson)Music(Sony BMG Music Group)theres a whole list of what sony sticks their fingers into.so i'm actually surprised that these numbers r so low. He must be talking about SCE.

And not the whole company. 4234d agoWhat is the PS3's attach rate again? Come back and talk when you have more than R&C, RFOM and Uncharted and a better than 2 attach rate. Buy some freaking games already you PS3 fans talk about exclusives but yet you don't ever buy em, WTF? You have 1 game that sold a million RFOM and that because it was the only game for the PS3 for 6 months. Lets go through your list, you have RFOM, Uncharted and R&C and not a one of those is AAA. Now I could go through the Xbox list but just like the PS3 you don't have enough memory to handle all those games.

4234d ago@ddldave - Go to gamerankings.com and see how badly Mass Effect 'failed'. A 93% rating is hardly failing. Is an awesome game period.

It's very hard to put down. It's also nominated for Game of the Year for the Spike video games awards, along with Halo 3, Bioshock and the Orange Box.As far as R6V2 goes, it could be a timed exclusive. At least that's what I think is most likely.


Either that or else MS ponied up to have it as an exclusive, or else the UK listings are wrong.Either way, I think R6V is one of the best, most addicting games so far this gen, and I can't wait for the sequel. It's my favorite game to play over Xbox Live so far. 4234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )Did you ever think PS owners actually prefer quality? Remember which is the console with 33% failure rate. Maybe we enjoy good games like Uncharted, resistance, r&C (which are real HD), and games with makers who actually know what there doing with titles like COD4.

I guess were sorry for not going out and buying everything with a PS3 logo on like most XBOX owner do. As for Uncharted, RFOM, and R&C not triple A you keep telling you're self that because those titles are just getting warm this holiday while no first year title of X360 is even selling a quarter as many as these titles. 4233d agoSplinter Cell, Conviction is not Exclusive, its a timed exclusive. Remember, MS had the first Splinter Cell as a 6 month exclusive, this is the same thing. I doubt Ubisoft will just give MS a game, the PS3 has more units out this year then MS had at the ending of last year, thats why Capcom put Lost planet on there ( they said before Dead rising or Lost planet was on the PS3, they needed to have a bigger installed base) 6.5 big enough for ya? Saints row2, Condemed2, and a crap load of once 360 timed games are coming out day and date on the PS3 cause is has the base for that.

Remember the PS3 now has more units then the 360 did last year, mind you we have not even seen heavy hitters yet. 4233d agoI'm sorry, where did u find that Splinter Cell Conviction was a timed exclusive. Why would they, when the developers completley dissed the ps3 according to a Finnish magazine who interviewed Ubisoft:They state the fact that they are EXCLUSIVE to the 360 allows them to do much more than if they were multiplatform, but they also state they doubt they would be able to achieve what they're doing with the game on the 360 on the ps3 even if it was ps3 exclusive.The developers are saying this won't be possible on the Playstation 3 as it stands. 4233d agoNPD, puts the 360 at under 10million sold, the wii has surpassed the 360, like 3 months ago.

It say its 13millon shipped NOT sold, the PS3 would be at like 8millon if you counted Shipped! The NPD also states these numbers of 360's sold does not include the ones that are Red Ringed, or sent back, so who really knows how much 360's are really out.

The PS3 is at 6.7millon, that is WAY more then 360 was at last year! Look it up, the PS3 is selling better its first year then 360!And if Ubisoft does make it a timed Exclusive it has NOTHING TO DO WITH USER BASE! Far cry 3 multiplayer review. Haze is a timed Exclusive and the PS3 does not have as much as the 360's! Explain that!

Its all about money, MS does not have that many games, every game they have thats good, is a 3rd party timed game, Bioshock, Gears (on MAC now) Lost planet, Saints Row, they need games bad cause god knows MSGS has like no games! Look on wiki on Sony games and look on wiki on MSGS games and see for your self, Sony owns there ass so bad, and they lost Bungie, Bizzare Creations and Bioware, YES Mass Effect series will be on the PS3 and PC, um EA owns the IP, what did any one think they were going to do with it? Its EA people!! 4234d ago (Edited 4234d ago )I don't see the point in making this game 'exclusive' its not like this THE game to get or its screaming GOTY08 its also not the game people are gonna say 'OMGZ I am SO going to buy X Y or Z console only for thiz game ZOMG!' .@BloodySinner: You need a reality check.NO ONE is thinking it's THE game to get or it's screaming GOTY for 08 (unless you are a fanboy or basher are you?), dude you are obsessed with the PS3 you seen to bring it to every conversation, CHILL OUT dude before you get an ulcera. 4233d agoHow many times do i have to tell you retards this, its not Ubisoft, its MS and SONY!!!! If a game is made on one system by a 3rd party dev (THEY MAKE GAMES ON MULTIPAL PLATFORMS TO GET THE MOST MONEY!) Its cause they were payed to!

I have NEVER seen a 3rd party Dev make a game on one system without Money being involed to keep it there. Explan Lost planet?, Explain Haze?

The PS3 user base is not as big as 360's yet its on there, do you really think it was Ubisofts dission to do that? It was sony's kindly like now its MS to get more games, they have almost no games coming to them in 2008! 4234d agoToday Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, announced that it is developing Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 for next-generation consoles and PC. Developed at Ubisoft Montreal by the same team that created the award-winning Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas, the highly anticipated sequel is scheduled for a March 2008 release. Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is the sixth iteration in the wildly successful Rainbow Six franchise which celebrates its 10th anniversary in 2008 with more than 16 million units sold worldwide to date.-What other next generation console is there if it isn't on the ps3. 4233d agoThere is no denying the best games sofar on PS3 are shooters like resistance but if you compare it to the all high profile games on x360.

All of them are basically shooters like Halo, Gow, Bioshock,Mass effect, RSV6, GRAW. Even next year the x360 will get game called warhound which is also a shooter that most likely will get alot of attention from the x360 userbase. I have seen that the MS this time around are really getting it right with regrds to variety but the problem is alot of other different games like viva piniata and scene it are not getting enough attention from MS. As a result the x360 will always be seen a console with good shooters. Bill said himself that viva is for girls which is not a good way of saying the x360 is also for casuals.

4233d agoOhh I wasn't arguing variety. While the 360 does have more games in each genre, its very true that only the shooter (for the most part) are the big hitters. But thats hardly sunrising because for better or worse thats what America buys. Personally I love variety as well. Hence why I have Viva,(laugh but it's addicting as hell) Guitar Hero, Eternal Sonata, Maden, Kameo and some others. Plus of course the famous shooters, except Halo 3.

I'm sure it's a great game but I'll wait till its 30$.Mostly what I wanted to point out was the hypocrisy he was spouting. Kind of like how Halo 3 was horrible with 640p but CoD4 is fantastic with 600p. If your going to hate on a game/system, fine, but at least be consistent about it. 4233d agoactually jaja you douche, my post here has nothing to do with Cod4. I don't like shooters cause that shlt is boring. Mgs is a shooter? Funny I thought it was the origin of the stealth genre.I just like variety, did I say anything negative about the xbox here?

Hell no, I call a spade a spade. Don't act like you're not guilty of it.

For example, when you see the wii, what do you associate it with? Kiddie games, that's right. You can argue 'well it has a port of re4, so it's not all kiddie' big deal one exception to the rule doesn't make it a system that's targeted to adults.the xbox is targeted at former pc gamers who love fps and rts games etc, mainly fps, that's why their architecture is similar to the pc because microsoft came from the pc world, and brought along the same brand loyal gamers.if you called the ps3 a rpg console or a action game console or a singstar console, guess what i wouldn't care cause that's what it is, that's what it's known for. I wouldn't bother to return and say that you're a fanboy. Where'd you get that? Just because i said, what you perceived to be a negative comment about your console?

How old are you?people say negative things about the ps3 here all the time, doesn't make me want to go sell it off or anything, i'm happy with my purchase.if you aren't about yours, maybe you should return you RROD console. There i said it again, but it's true, not like it's never happened.when people talk about the ps2 being a faulty system, hey it could be true, never happened to me, i waited 2 years before i purchase my system and the only thing that went bad about it was that the loading tray made a grinding noise after 5-6 years of use.

You think i get offended when people complain about it's problems? Get a life dude.sorry that you got all butthurt cause i spoke the truth, shows your insecurity about.whatever the hell it is but in this case it's your console. Get over it, how'd you get so many bubbles by trolling through the news spewing short sighted bs? 4233d agoActually I called MGS a'shooter of shorts' since you walk around shooting. Although in a very different way from say CoD4. Also if you want to call the PS3 an RPG console thats fine, but it's not. Maybe I'm wrong about this but I have not heard of even 1 RPG that PS3 currently has.

Sure it will have White Knight and FF somewhere in the distant future but the 360 already has 3, 4 if you count Mass Effect. Now talk about the PS2 and thats a whole other story.Anyways the reason I have my 8 bubbles is because I do not go around saying 'PS3Tards, xBots, M$' and other crap like that. If your so inclined you can go through my history and not once will you see me 'hate' on a console or company. I find those terms in general pretty immature and the worst I'll use is 'fanboy' because it best describes certain people. In any case I take no offense nor do I really care to defend a white or black box, but if your going to say something such as 'fpsbox360' then I will respond. Not because I really care, but because some people come to these web cites to learn about whatever console they are interested in and I would like them to be able to make an educated decision.p.s.

If you want to call me immature thats fine, but starting off with 'you douche' makes you as I already said, a hypocrite.Cheers. 4234d agoGreat gameplay but it's flawed where it realy counts. The camping with smoke and pistols gets old real quick, so anyone new to this game avoid servers where the only kit items on are smoke and C4 those a-holes are boosters. Somebody mentioned 'incendiary grenades' above I agree they should go.

What they should do with this game is test test test because MP tends to be one sided to often and can ruin your overall experiance. The cover system is good but it needs some more balance because a player can set up around a corner set his/her crosshairs and just pick anyone off with 100% headshots (everytime you lean in and out your crosshairs stay the same). All my griping aside, it's a good game if you can deal with the BS that comes with it.

4234d agoUnless console(s) is no longer pural I would say this is coming to the PS3. 4233d ago'Today Ubisoft, one of the world’s largest video game publishers, announced that it is developing Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six® Vegas 2 for next-generation consoles(.) and PC.

Developed at Ubisoft Montreal by the same team that created the award-winning Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas, the highly anticipated sequel is scheduled for a March 2008 release.' The press release says Next-generation CONSOLES (plural) not Console (singular).And the Nex-gen consoles I know are Xbox 360 and PS3.I hope you're not suggesting that Wii is a nextgen console.see reading is not hard. Using ur brain helps too. 4233d agoIF this is true, why are all Sony fans surprised???This happened last gen also. PS2 was out first, had the largest installed base of users and got exclusive 3rd party support.

There were games that devs didn't take the effort to port or make on the XBOX 1.Same now. The 360 is on 14 mln. The PS3 is just around 6 mln. Analysts say the 360 will outsell the PS3 2:1 this Christmas.Plus:360 average attach rate: 6.6 games per unitPS3 average attach rate: 3.6 games per unitThe 360 just earns bucks for devs, the PS3 not so much. Ratchet & Clank sold what 11k in Japan alone in it's first week or so? Overall R&C sold 100k world wide?

What kind of amount of sales for an exclusive high profile title is that?Gears of War sold 5 mln. Copies, even when the installed base was just around 10 mln. Bioshock on the 360 sold what, 500k in it's first two weeks or so.Oh and those saying Ubisoft games aren't so great. Rainbow 6: Vegas is a great 4 player co-op game. Just really good. I would be glad to have the new version exclusive on the platform I game on, the XBOX 360. 4233d agoYOU GUYS ARE STUDYING THE F.KING PROFITS OF SONY AND MICROSOFT GET OFF THEIR D.K.



AND UNCHARTED??????????? U GUYS ARE ALL ON THESE COMPANIES D.KS. ITS HILARIOUS. F.KIN DROP IT. 360s got all the games playstation has.

Who wants to play lair and heavenly sword?????????? Friggin repetitive crap. At least i can play halo multiplayer 1000 times and still want more. I get my 50$$ worth out of xbox live. What do u guys play on ps3 network, warhawk still hahahahaha that s.ts gotta be borin by now. Ima get a ps3 but not now. Ima gamer and i like games so im not just gonna buy the ps3 because i love the brand ima buy it cause they got games.

And they dont have any this christmas. Next great title you guys get is lost planet in january. Have fun with that then wait till Q2 for metal gear. Wow and that will be delayed till christmas. In the meantime ima play fun a. games on the 360 and wait for the next crop of AAA titles to come out. At least microsoft lives up to their word of having AAA titles this christmas.

Bioshock (10/10), then halo 3 (9.5/10) then mass effect (9.5/10). What do you guys have???????lair (5.5/10), ratchet(7.5/10), uncharted (8.0/10),???????

Yea lets take out a loan for the ps3, f&&kin stupid s.t. Next gen starts when we say so. At least 360 is creating games that are revolutionizing genres. Ie mass effect rpg, bioshock fps, gears, halo 3. Suck my c.k fanboys. Ms got the games, plain and f.kin simple.

4233d agoI love Rainbow on PS3 but they f'ed it up. It looks horrible when compared to the 360 version. It was Ubi softs first PS3 title and it realy shows. Graw2 was a perfect port to the PS3 though and in some ways the better version(frame rate) and that was their second title.The Havok engine runs very well on the PS3 but at the time UR3 engine was still a big challenge. Enter Epic and UT3(which looks awesome), I think porting R6:V2 to PS3 will be a snap this time and Ubi can redeem themselves.

4233d agoI mean, this site runs on hunches and rumors. Its utterly retarded.The PS3 is gaining sales and much needed stellar games.360 owners should look forward to Microsoft pushing the 360 to compete. Hopefully all these glitches in our games, Mass-Effect/Ass.Creed will no longer be tolerable.

Sony is delivering on its consoles power, thanks to developers that don't have their head up their own arses like Infinity Ward.I think MS needs to step up with their quality control, exterminate rrod problems. And make sure technical blunders in their largest titles stop showing up. Although reviewers all ignore them, as do you 360 owners. You shouldn't have to ignore stuttering loading and terrible A.I. Yes the story is great, but this game could have been done 100% better.Take Uncharted for example. There are no technical flaws in it at all, and its a great game.

Reviewers noticed this, as do consumers and media. With a ton of games coming out in the next months, its really going to be up to the 360 to show that it can top or keep up with PS3's games. With actual releases, not videos.

You fanboys can keep pretending the PS3's games don't exist. I'm sure MS wont. It will only be healthy competition. 4233d agoWell for one.

The PS3 does have 'AAA' games.I'll take enjoyable games that are being called the best games of this generation.Over games that will break my system 1 out of 5 times, have terrible loading glitches, bad A.I. And have to overlook all of that to enjoy it.Remember when you played games to enjoy them?

Not to be in awe at how bad an NPC can run into a wall, or boom. Your system dies while playing it? Or locks up?So I'm glad the only thing you see wrong with your 360, and the ps3, is that it has no 'AAA' games. So when that finally happens, With Uncharted. Since it hasn't factored in about 10 9's from the sources on its site. What will the argument change into then? 'BWUHAHWAWH ok ok only 4 AAA's So what!'

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Ps3 Review

Lets see how many AAA's the ps3 has at the end of year two? I know for a fact the 360 didn't have 12 AAA's the first year. It doesn't even have 12 AAA's now.Either Way, you can keep track of your AAA's. I'm keeping track of being entertained by my games, and I cant help but keep track of how everyone is calling Uncharted one of the most amazing games they have played this generation, and thats on any console.So, I'm reading my xbot manual here. This is the part where you are supposed to change your argument from 'THE PS3 HAS NO AAA Titles' to, 'THE PS3 HAS NO -EXCLUSIVE- AAA TITLES.'

As per the rule book.' Double-Edged - 5 Minutes agoPMTrackIgnore71.1 -PS3 has no AAA games.pwned.' 4233d agoAll this is your opinion.I just want to bring up one thing.Can you find for me where Sony said this will be their AAA savior? If anything, this was a good game that fans wanted. If System Wars on Gamespot is any indicator of what the games hype was, it was hyped to be a 8-8.5 on their site.It showed up with no technical problems. And is a great adventure game. Not sure if you have ever played one, or if you are just stuck on shooters.

Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Ps3 Reviews

Much like all Adventure games ever made, there are cut-scenes. I doubt you played, because you would know you could skip them if you really wanted to. If the game isn't your cup of tea, its not your cup of tea.

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