Windows 10 Version 1809

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Windows 10 Version 1809 Amd64 2019-04

2. Spam, trading, selling, and blatant self-promotion posts are forbidden.

3. Do not request or link to pirated/copyrighted content. 4. Redundant questions that have been previously answered will be removed. 5. Do not message moderators for help with your issues.

Either message the mod team if relevant, or make a post on the sub as normal.Browse by filters:Related Subreddits. When i click on EZ-Activator i get 'Failed to install TAP Adapter!'

On Activate i get:System.ApplicationException: Failed to install TAP Adapter!at.(String, String )at.(, String, Boolean, String, Int32, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, String )at.(String, Boolean, Int32, String, Boolean, String, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String, Boolean )at.(Object, DoWorkEventArgs )​​what should i do?. Open up Powershell (Run As Admin). Next, copy paste run the Entire line of code below into Powershell.


Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath '%LOCALAPPDATA%TempSppExtComObjHook.dll', '%WINDIR%AutoKMS', '%WINDIR%TempSppExtComObjHook.dll'. Launch Defender and manually add the folder having Toolkit to the Exclusions list. Turn off 'Real-time protection' in Windows Defender. As I read through this thread I found that several options are mentioned. Since this is a couple of months old thread I felt I should update it with my results.I too have always used 'MS Toolkit' for Windows 10 or 'EZ activator by DAZ' for Windows 7, but today I did a fresh (clean) install of Windows 10 and updated it to the latest 1809 build 17763.379 but 'MS Toolkit' wouldn't activate it.​So,. I tried changing the settings to 'TAP Adapter' but I got 'Failed to install TAP Adapter!' Error,.

I have also tried 's suggestion, but still nothing,. Then I went on and followed 's advice and got hwidgen/kms38 from nsaneforums and it works!​I guess now I'll have to have 3 activators on my 'USB multi tool' with the rest of the stuff I carry around on it:)​Thanks everyone for great suggestions!.

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