Set Bash As Default Shell

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TheBash Shell Startup FilesThe shell program /bin/bash (hereafterreferred to as just 'the shell') uses a collection of startup filesto help create an environment. Each file has a specific use and mayaffect login and interactive environments differently. The files inthe /etc directory generally provideglobal settings. If an equivalent file exists in your home directoryit may override the global settings.An interactive login shell is started after a successful login, using/bin/login, by reading the /etc/passwd file. This shell invocation normallyreads /etc/profile and its privateequivalent /.bashprofile (or/.profile if called as /bin/sh) upon startup.An interactive non-login shell is normally started at thecommand-line using a shell program (e.g., prompt$ /bin/bash) or by the /bin/su command. An interactivenon-login shell is also started with a terminal program such asxterm or konsole from within a graphicalenvironment.

  1. Change Default Shell To Bash
  2. Set Bash As Default Shell Vscode
  3. Ubuntu Set Bash As Default Shell
Set Bash As Default Shell

This type of shell invocation normally copies the parentenvironment and then reads the user's /.bashrc file for additional startup configurationinstructions.A non-interactive shell is usually present when a shell script isrunning. It is non-interactive because it is processing a script andnot waiting for user input between commands.

For these shellinvocations, only the environment inherited from the parent shell isused.The file /.bashlogout is not used foran invocation of the shell. It is read and executed when a user exitsfrom an interactive login shell.Many distributions use /etc/bashrc forsystem wide initialization of non-login shells. This file is usuallycalled from the user's /.bashrc fileand is not built directly into bash itself. This convention isfollowed in this section.For more information see infobash - Nodes: BashStartup Files and Interactive Shells. /etc/profile.d/dircolors.shThis script uses the /.dircolorsand /etc/dircolors files to controlthe colors of file names in a directory listing. They controlcolorized output of things like ls-color. The explanation of how to initializethese files is at the end of this /etc/profile.d/

Change Default Shell To Bash

/etc/profile.d/extrapaths.shThis script adds some useful paths to the PATH and can be used to customize other PATHrelated environment variables (e.g. LDLIBRARYPATH, etc) thatmay be needed for all /etc/profile.d/ /etc/bashrcHere is a base /etc/bashrc. Commentsin the file should explain everything you /etc/bashrc # updated by Bruce Dubbs # System wide aliases and functions.# System wide environment variables and startup programs should go into# /etc/profile. Personal environment variables and startup programs# should go into /.bashprofile. Personal aliases and functions should# go into /.bashrc# Provides colored /bin/ls and /bin/grep commands. Used in conjunction# with code in /etc/profile.alias ls='ls -color=auto'alias grep='grep -color=auto'# Provides prompt for non-login shells, specifically shells started# in the X environment.

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Set Bash As Default Shell Vscode

Review the LFS archive thread titled# PS1 Environment Variable for a great case study behind this script# addendum.NORMAL='e0m'RED='e1;31m'GREEN='e1;32m'if $EUID 0 ; thenPS1='$REDu $NORMALw$RED # $NORMAL'elsePS1='$GREENu $NORMALw$GREEN $ $NORMAL'fiunset RED GREEN NORMAL# End /etc/bashrcEOF. /.bashprofileHere is a base /.bashprofile. Ifyou want each new user to have this file automatically, just changethe output of the command to /etc/skel/.bashprofile and check the permissionsafter the command is run.

Set Bash As Default Shell

You can then copy /etc/skel/.bashprofile to the home directoriesof already existing users, including root, and set the owner and /.bashprofile # updated by Bruce Dubbs # Personal environment variables and startup programs.# Personal aliases and functions should go in /.bashrc. System wide# environment variables and startup programs are in /etc/profile.# System wide aliases and functions are in /etc/bashrc.if -f '$HOME/.bashrc' ; thensource $HOME/.bashrcfiif -d '$HOME/bin' ; thenpathprepend $HOME/binfi# Having. In the PATH is dangerous#if $EUID -gt 99 ; then# pathappend.#fi# End /.bashprofileEOF. /.bashrcHere is a base / /.bashrc # Personal aliases and functions.# Personal environment variables and startup programs should go in# /.bashprofile.

Set bash as default shell ubuntu

System wide environment variables and startup# programs are in /etc/profile. System wide aliases and functions are# in /etc/bashrc.if -f '/etc/bashrc' ; thensource /etc/bashrcfi# Set up user specific i18n variables#export LANG=. # End /.bashrcEOF. /etc/dircolorsIf you want to use the dircolorscapability, then run the following command.

The /etc/skel setup steps shown above also can beused here to provide a /.dircolorsfile when a new user is set up. As before, just change the outputfile name on the following command and assure the permissions,owner, and group are correct on the files created and/or copied.dircolors -p /etc/dircolorsIf you wish to customize the colors used for different file types,you can edit the /etc/dircolors file.The instructions for setting the colors are embedded in the file.Finally, Ian Macdonald has written an excellent collection of tipsand tricks to enhance your shell environment.

Ubuntu Set Bash As Default Shell

You can read itonline at.Last updated on 2018-12-02 16:36:16 -0600.

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