How To Use Math Input Panel

I just found out about the Math Input Panel in Windows 7,and now there is commercial software using it for LaTex writing. For example Inlage. If you have a look of their first demo video, you know what I am talking about:I had a try with the Math Input Panel myself, and it seems you can basically write all math stuff, integration, super(sub) scripts, tensor, arrows (even with labels over them!), and matrix!
The only big problem is there is NO commutative diagram. And it probably has trouble recognizing some math fonts, like mathfrak or mathcal.
But in all, it really recognize handwritings pretty well. I don't have a writing pad, so I just tried writing with a mouse.I know there are people taking math notes using a tablet PC. Won't this tool drastically improve the quality of our note-taking? It basically changes all handwriting into TeX files!Maybe I am too late on this, are there more mature product for such purposes? I think handwriting math could actually be slower than typing LaTeX codes.
But one good reason for doing handwriting is because sometimes I just don't like to make math writing into code writing (or something like programming). I would like to hear about your comments. I'm the developer of Inlage and I think the Windows 7 MIP is a great tool but it can't handle a many special things.
But the possibilities are good for doing a lot of math stuff. For testing that tool I tried to write a 2 hour lecture of relativistic quantum mechanics down with a graphic tablet. It was possible but I had some problems. So I just replaced some symbols it couldn't handle. But natural it wasn't faster than handwriting.But I think another nice idea to use the MIP is if you dont know the latex command of a symbol you can easily write it down (only the symbol, with mouse) in the MIP and get the command. I'm not totally sure I understand your question.
I've never tried hand writing TeX; that seems odd to me.I have taken notes in LaTeX before. My general strategy was to invent macros as needed while taking notes. The first time I needed a 'set x to be a uniformly random element of set S' macro, I just wrote rgets. At the end of the class, my notes didn't compile, but I'd just go through and define the macros I had invented during the note taking.I never tried it with a math class like algebraic geometry (I just used pencil and paper for math classes), but that strategy worked quite well for an advanced crypto class I took in grad school.
But it is not the first case for those websites.
Zee wrote:If you install Inlage, it will install a second executable named InlageCU. There you can choose between MathML and LaTeX.Thank you for your reply.InlageCU as far as I can see only displays the LaTeX.From what I've currently experienced, it seems to me it is only possible to enter the MathML from Math Input Panel into specific programs where the formula is displayed (like MS Word, and since I don't use it I've not been able to try it) but there's no way of getting the actual MathML code into say Notepad. Hi Math,What I have found that many people who are using Windows 7 are facing problems one way or the another. I think the programme is not as success as to the earlier ones. You can try to sort out your problem by installing any other window. If the problem still continues then it's not the problem with windows. The problem you had was a month back.
How To Use Math Input Panel Windows 10
No idea about the problem still persisting or not. The neighbour of my previous address is a computer genius.
I will try to contact him. This whole week I would be a bit busy. You need to wait for me until next week.
If he can solve out your query, I will definitely approach you. Michaelhoffman wrote:Hi Math,What I have found that many people who are using Windows 7 are facing problems one way or the another. I think the programme is not as success as to the earlier ones. You can try to sort out your problem by installing any other window. If the problem still continues then it's not the problem with windows.
How To Remove Math Input Panel
The problem you had was a month back. No idea about the problem still persisting or not. The neighbour of my previous address is a computer genius. I will try to contact him. This whole week I would be a bit busy.
You need to wait for me until next week. If he can solve out your query, I will definitely approach you. Cheers.I think installing soon to be outdated windows versions in preference of 7 just to address this problem isn't convenient for most users.The new update of Math seems to fix this issue with tablets, as I had it too but now it's fine after the update.