Ck2 De Jure Duchies

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  1. Ck2 Duchies Map

I'm still new to the game and have some problems with the de jure drift of my duchies (or rather the duchies of my vassals). I'm currently playing the Emperor of Britannia, controlling all of Britannia and parts of France. Before I created Britannia my primary title was the Kingdom of England and the duchies that belong de jure to the Kingdom of Wales actually started drifting towards England. But after becoming the Emperor of Britannia the duchies are now drifting back towards Wales. Does de jure drift of duchies not work if the primary title is an empire? Is there any way how I can get those duchies to drift into England while still holding the empire title? This is sadly how it workds.

As soon as you're emperor all your kingdom-drifting will reverse.It's pretty difficult to intentionally drift anything anywhere after you've become emperor. The only way might be to give a vassal of the drift-target control of the land that should be drifted. If he (and his ancestors) holds on to it for 100 years it will drift over. Meaning either a duke in the target-kingdom or the king of that kingdom.If you really want to drift duchies do that BEFORE you create the Empire.

From the wiki'A duchy will begin to drift into a kingdom when the following conditions are met:The entire duchy is within the realm of the king.The king does not hold the crown of the current de jure kingdom to which the duchy belongs.The ducal title either does not exist or is held by the king or by a vassal of the king.The duchy is not part of the kingdom of JerusalemThe kingdom is not a tribal title'I think what your issue is that the duchy isnt entirely controlled by one single vassal. I'll give an example from my current game.I recently conquered the duchies of Gasgone? And Toulouse from Aquitane. I turned Gascone into a merchant republic and he and his count vassals control the entire duchy. It is ticking towards my primary title(kingdom of Ireland) where Toulouse de jure land is split between the Duchies of Toulouse and Berry(also my vassal) and it is not ticking towards Ireland.I dont own Aquitane but I own France.Berry is de jure of France(Which I also own) which disqualifies Toulouse from de jure drift as per the rules above, because it is technically half under Ireland and half under France though Berry.If I destroy France title, Toulouse should start ticking towards Ireland. I will test it and see later tonight.

Ck2 De Jure Duchies

Ck2 Duchies Map

Originally posted by:I think what your issue is that the duchy isnt entirely controlled by one single vassal. I'll give an example from my current game.I recently conquered the duchies of Gasgone? And Toulouse from Aquitane. I turned Gascone into a merchant republic and he and his count vassals control the entire duchy.

It is ticking towards my primary title(kingdom of Ireland) where Toulouse de jure land is split between the Duchies of Toulouse and Berry(also my vassal) and it is not ticking towards Ireland.I dont own Aquitane but I own France.Berry is de jure of France(Which I also own) which disqualifies Toulouse from de jure drift as per the rules above, because it is technically half under Ireland and half under France though Berry.If I destroy France title, Toulouse should start ticking towards Ireland. I will test it and see later tonightI'll go ahead and tell you, you are correct. Destroying the French title will create what you are looking for.However, in my case, I have land in a kingdom where the duke holds all the land that is de jure to his duchy and is my direct vassel (which doesn't really matter but.) but yet it's not moving to my primary holding. And it should be. I can't explain it.


I think it has to do with my primary being Jerusalem. The other issue with this is, it's an ironman game. I only play Ironman games.

I can't really aford for my guesses to be wrong. Originally posted by:I think what your issue is that the duchy isnt entirely controlled by one single vassal.

I'll give an example from my current game.I recently conquered the duchies of Gasgone? And Toulouse from Aquitane. I turned Gascone into a merchant republic and he and his count vassals control the entire duchy. It is ticking towards my primary title(kingdom of Ireland) where Toulouse de jure land is split between the Duchies of Toulouse and Berry(also my vassal) and it is not ticking towards Ireland.I dont own Aquitane but I own France.Berry is de jure of France(Which I also own) which disqualifies Toulouse from de jure drift as per the rules above, because it is technically half under Ireland and half under France though Berry.If I destroy France title, Toulouse should start ticking towards Ireland.

I will test it and see later tonightI'll go ahead and tell you, you are correct. Destroying the French title will create what you are looking for.However, in my case, I have land in a kingdom where the duke holds all the land that is de jure to his duchy and is my direct vassel (which doesn't really matter but.) but yet it's not moving to my primary holding. And it should be. I can't explain it. I think it has to do with my primary being Jerusalem. The other issue with this is, it's an ironman game. I only play Ironman games.

I can't really aford for my guesses to be wrong.I have the same issue with a duchy in Asturius. Held and controlled by me for well over 120 yrs and still de jure of France. Does this mean you have to gain control of the crown of France to enable de jure creep? Not really making heads or tails of the system just yet.

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