Fallout 2 Vault 15 Combat Armor
Fallout - Walkthrough Steve's Guide to Fallout(A Fallout walkthrough)Last upadated: 27th April, 2002IntroductionWhere do I start? Self-confessed Fallout addict that I am, I have played thisgame more times than is probably normal and/or healthy.
Seven at last count.Having already written a guide for Fallout's sequel, 'Steve's Guide toFallout 2: Warts 'n All', I thought that since I now had a template tofollow, it would be a piece of cake. I found even more newthings on the 7th pass through than I imagined were possible to have missedon previous attempts! And you as a reader will undoubtedly find other things.Such is the nature and depth of Fallout.
Anyway, with Fallout, so began mypassion for RPG's - and it's about time I finally got around to writing aboutit!This Guide is quest-oriented, though I've also written much about all theimportant objects and people that you'll encounter in the various locales,even if they aren't related to completing a specific quest. It's meant to bemore of a guide than a walkthrough. A walkthrough for a game like Falloutwould of necessity be slanted towards a particular character type - but I tryto give you several ways to get around each problem where possible, hopefullyaccounting for most of the character types across the role-playing spectrum.Probably more of interest to Fallout veterans than newbies, but this Guidetells you how to get your favourite pet all the way through the game:-)I hope that you enjoy Fallout as much as I do! Ready to begin your quest, ohhumble vault dweller?ConventionsOnce again, I've eschewed that handy yet game spoiling Table of Contents! OK,so this Guide is loaded with outright spoilers anyway, but I try not to ruinall the fun right up front by providing you with a listing of all theimportant locations you will visit. If you're looking for references to aparticular location, person, weapon, etc., then just search for it in yourbrowser.Directions are given assuming that the top of your screen is north, and thelonger direction names are abbreviated, like SW for southwest.TipsSeeing as Fallout 2 is not miles away from the original, I took the libertyof borrowing generously from this section in my other Guide. Hope you don'tmind.Before you even think about starting to play, check out the Interplay Falloutsite (and ensure that you have the latestversion installed.

If not, download and apply the patch. Be careful to onlyapply a patch compatible with the locale from which you purchased the game!This Guide was written using the U.S. Version, patched to V1.1. This patchfixed numerous bugs, and also removed a restriction that you had to finishFallout in 500 (game) days.Beware that if your Intelligence (IN) is too low (I mean, your character'sin the game, silly. Don't take it personally;-), you won't be able toget most of the quests here simply because no one will be able to conversewith you! Likewise, not having a high enough Charisma (CH) or Speech skillwill also alter NPC responses, and you may miss out on important conversationchoices that lead to quests.
So, I recommend having both IN and CH at aminimum of 6 (you might scrape by with lower CH if you have a decent Speechskill) to keep your options open. If in doubt in a particular situation, popa Mentat to boost both temporarily. Just for kicks, it's worth starting up agame with IN 3. Yes, it's a very well balanced game:-)Luck, or dice rolls, and your stats play an important part in conversations.That's why it's very important that you save the game before everyconversation.
If you feel afterwards that the outcome could have been morefavourable, restore to before the conversation and try it again. You justmight get the dialogue choice you've been hoping for the next time through!If you consistently get the same undesirable choices, try improving your INand CH by popping a Mentat before the conversation. Some dialogues evendepend on your Science skill, and I've tried to indicate this where possible.I recommend a minimum Strength (ST) of 6. With less than this, you'll beseverely disadvantaged at hand-to-hand, unable to take any unarmed perks(most decent ones have a min ST of 6 requirement), and you won't be ableto carry much inventory either. Likewise, unless you're going to play the'ultimate bruiser' type of character, a starting ST of 9 or 10 is a waste,since you get a chance later on to increase your ST by 3 using.artificial means!Unless you are taking on the role of a thief, a decent Barter skill is alsovital.Owing to a design peculiarity in Fallout, Armour Piercing (AP) ammo doesn'tdo exactly what it's meant to, and is woefully ineffectual. So, it's best tojust sell any that you find.
Stick to the JHP for actually loading into yourweapons.I just love Big Guns, and Energy Weapons. I almostnever bother to tag Small Guns, even though conventional wisdom has it thatyou should. The reason is: if you start off with decent Agility (AG), thenyou already have nearly 45% Small Guns skill. Also, you can quickly boostthis skill by reading some.
Educational material you find lyingaround the place:-)NPC's make great packrats. They can help you carry all the stuff you pick upafter encounters with hostile critters. Be careful about giving them burstcapable weapons though. Or you could find yourself replaying a lot ofencounters:-( Also, you have to keep telling some of them to use their bestweapon when you know an important battle is coming up!Something in Fallout that you need to do all the time, but it isn't patentlyobvious how you're meant to: exchange items with your party members.
Just useyour Steal skill, no matter how low it is, and you can swap items back andforth at will!Like the man says: save, save, SAVE! You never know when you'regoing to mess up in combat, blow a dialogue with an NPC, etc. Contrary towhat you may hear on the grapevine, you can also save during combat, thoughthis practice does seem to make the game more likely to crash.
But you justsaved, didn't you? So, no big deal.Those pre-apocalyptic Californians must have been avid readers. There arebookcases everywhere. A lot of them contain valuable stuff, so check everybookcase, desk, locker, etc.
Anything that exhibits a hand icon whenyou move your cursor over it is worth having a look at. Scavenge to yourheart's content!You can rest nearly anywhere when no hostile critters are nearby. Derelictbuildings in most towns make a perfect spot for this sort of activity.There's no rush to get through (most of) Fallout. Use the time! Why wasteStimpaks when you can heal while resting or travelling?And now, without further ado.Vault 13Get all the gear off the body immediately outside the Vault entrance. Killall the rats for 25 XP a pop. Use your knife if possible, to conservevaluable ammo.
The exit grid to the outside world is to the SW. Once outside,head due east towards Vault 15, but make sure to stop at the spot marked'Unknown'.You can go back inside Vault 13 when you return from the desert. As youenter the vault, there's a wall locker containing some Flares. The Medichere can heal you. About the only other thing you can do besides Quests 1and 5 is raid the storage room on Level 3.
Don't take too much, or the WaterGuard will be pissed off!Quests-1. Calm rebel faction - 750 XP.Anytime before you find and return the Water Chip. If you talk to one ofthe 'Upset Vault 13 Citizens' in the Living Quarters (Level 2), you'lldiscover that they are getting restless and thinking about leaving the vault.They meet every evening in Theresa's room, north side of the Living Quarters.If you go there just after 17:00 and talk to Theresa, you can convince herthat this idea is ill-advised.2. That would be telling!You'll find out later when the time is right.3.
See Quest 2.Both of these quests are documented later on. I didn't want to spoil thewhole game in the first chapter, so to speak!4. Find the Water Chip - a whole bunch of XP, plus Quests 2 and 3:-)You have 150 days to complete this quest. No need to rush, but a sense ofurgency is required.
For the time being, you can't take every quest youchance upon - only the ones that don't take you too far out of the way, orwill help you to complete this quest! Keep an eye on the 150 day countdown inyour Pip Boy. If you find the water chip with at least 90 days left on theclock, you unwittingly prevent a tragedy from befalling the denizens of theplace where you find it!Note: make sure you knock off Quests 1 and 5 before you deliver the WaterChip to the Overseer, or they'll become unavailable.5.
Find the Water Thief - 1000 XP.Same conditions as Quest 1. If you talk to the couple in the SE corner ofLevel 2, you'll find out that someone knocked the guard on Level 3 over thehead and stole some water.
All you have to do is go down to Level 3 sometimeafter midnight (no one else is around), and you'll catch the thiefred-handed. Confront him when he comes out of the storage room.Shady SandsFrom Vault 13, due east on the way to Vault 15, the place marked 'Unknown' isShady Sands.
Talk to Katrina at the entrance for 250 XP. Ask Seth about theRadscorpions, and learn about the village doc, Razlo. Seth has a Rope. If youcan steal it, do so. You're gonna need it! Don't barter for it, becausethere's another Rope to be found elsewhere in Shady Sands.In the first building to the east is Ian (jeans and leather jacket). You canget him to join you.
He'll ask for 100 Caps, but you can usually get him tocome along for free if you offer him 'a piece of the action'. Whether or notyou have to pay him is a moot point. You can steal it right back as soon ashe joins you:-) Ian is very good with Small Guns - as a matter of fact -much better than you are at this stage in the game! And you'll get 100 XPwhen Ian joins your party.Tandi is the girl wandering around the place (towards the south) that you cantalk to. I originally thought I could convince her to come with me, but it'snot possible.
Talk to her father, Aradesh. He's the robed figure in thebuilding to the SE (Town Hall).
You'll get Quest 2 below if you ask himwhat's going on around the place. Before you embark on this quest, talk toRazlo the doctor, in the building to the west of Aradesh's place. He'll tellyou he's looking for something to help him make a poison cure with. Thebookcase behind him also contains a few handy supplies, though he doesn'tusually take kindly to you trying to lift the Doctor's Bag.If you take the exit grid to the east, past Ian's place, there's a farmerthere standing in the middle of his garden. With at least 40% Science skill,you get the dialogue option to explain the concept of crop rotation to him,for 500 XP. In the building to the NE of the farmer's garden, there's abookcase that contains a Rope and a Scout Handbook.Quests-1.
Rescue Tandi from the Raiders - 900 XP and 500 Caps.You have to complete Quest 2, then leave Shady Sands and return again a fewdays later to get this quest. Talk to Aradesh, and he'll inform you thatRaiders have apparently kidnapped his daughter Tandi. The Raider hideout islocated just to the SE of Shady Sands. There are 3 ways to get Tandi back:a) Barter with Garl, their leader. But it'll cost you dearly in the earlystages of the game.b) Challenge Garl to hand-to-hand, but only if you have decent Unarmed skill!Targeted shots to the eyes/groin are the way to go here.c) Take out all the Raiders.
You have to be careful not to let them killTandi while the fight is on, though! She's being held in a room in the SWcorner of the house. You also get 200 XP for each slave (2 girls not dressedas Raiders) left alive after you've killed all the Raiders.
Make sureyou raid the fridge (Dynamite and a set of Lockpicks in there)!Once you've freed Tandi, take her straight back to Aradesh and claim yourreward. She's absolute crap in a fight:-)2. Stop the Radscorpions - 1250 XP.After you talk to Aradesh and Dr. Razlo, see Seth, and he'll take you to theRadscorpion Caves. If you visited Vault 15 already, then you should have anSMG. Proceed into the Caves and kill one or two Radscorpions. Take theirtails afterwards!
Then, if you've got Dynamite (Vault 15 again!), you candrop it next to the wall at the cave entrance (place where it says 'Thisportion of the cave seems a little weaker' when you look at the wall there).If you haven't got any Dynamite, you'll have to kill all the critters tocomplete the quest.After you've taken care of the Radscorpions, exit the Caves and return toDr. You get 250 XP for helping him to find the antidote forRadscorpion poison. For every tail that you give him from now on, you'llget a Poison Antidote in return.
Use one of the Antidotes on Jarvis in theback room (Seth's brother) to cure him for 400 XP more!Vault 15In the shack, take the ladder down to the first level.Level 1Kill all the rats on your way to the vault entrance. As you enter the vault,there's a wall locker containing some Flares. There are 2 more Flares on thefloor, near the elevator. In the back room, to the NE, there's another walllocker containing some Stimpaks and a First Aid Kit. Use the Rope you gotfrom Shady Sands on the elevator to proceed to the next level.Level 2The locker in a room to the south contains another Rope, and a LeatherJacket. Finally, some armour! To the north, on the floor, there's a few.223 FMJ shells.
When you're finished killing the rats on this level, usethe Rope you found in the locker on the elevator to go down to.Level 3The 2 lockers in the middle room contain: 2 Frag Grenades, Dynamite, and a10mm SMG! In the SE corner, there's a Crowbar on the floor, and if you havedecent Perception (PE) and Intelligence (IN), you'll get 500 XP for notingthat the eastern passage to the rest of this level is blocked by a rockfall.You'll have to look elsewhere for a Water Chip (hey, you didn't really thinkit was going to be that easy, did you?:-)JunktownPut away your weapon before trying to enter!
Through the entranceway is Lars,the head of the guards here. Talk to him, and you'll find that he wants bothGizmo and the Skulz gang busted.Doc Morbid hangs out in the Hospital, just north of where Lars is standing,beyond the brahmin pens. Head down the ladder and talk to the midget Gretch.You'll learn that Morbid is using human body parts to make fake'Iguana-on-a-stick', which he then sells to 'Iguana man Bob' in the Hub. Endthe conversation, and take out Gretch.
The locker there is trapped, but youcan disable the trap with very little Traps skill (17% and a few attempts).Opening the locker once the trap is disarmed is another matter. You need atleast 50% Lockpick skill and a set of Lockpicks. Inside you'll find:96 x 10mm JHP, 72 x 10mm AP, Doctor's Bag, 800+ Caps.Once you're finished in the basement, head back up and finish off Morbid andhis 2 henchmen (Morbid heads back down the ladder, but he returns once you'vetaken out his 2 heavies). I only lost 1 Karma point for doing this, and noone seems to mind as long as the battle doesn't spill out of the Hospital.Worth it for all the gear you get.

Also 2 Frag Grenades in the bookcaseupstairs.Killian Darkwater's store is located off the exit grid just north of theHospital. Killian is also the mayor of this fine town. Stand a bit to thewest of Killian before you begin speaking with him, and have a weapon handy.When you end the conversation, a guy named Kenji wanders into the store andbegins firing at Killian. Take him out for 400 XP. When the battle ends,Killian will speak to you again, and he'll ask you to help take down Gizmo,the guy who sent Kenji. Accept the Bug and Tape Recorder from him.
Gizmo'scasino is located off the northern exit grid. Speak to Gizmo in the backroom. Now, you can play this 3 ways:a) Record Gizmo (just by virtue of you having the Tape Recorder in yourpossession) asking you to assassinate Killian, and return to Killian with theevidence. You'll get a reward (I took the 5 Stimpaks!) and 500 XP for doingthis. Killian will then offer you Quest 2 (see Quests below).b) Plant the Bug Killian gave you on Gizmo, using your Steal skill, andreturn to Killian. Same outcome as above.c) Accept Gizmo's challenge to take out Killian. This option is definitelynot good for the old Karma, but if you carry it out and take Killian'sdogtags back to Gizmo, you'll get 1000 Caps for your troubles.
You get 600 XPfor taking out Killian, and you'll also be able to pilfer the safe inKillian's back room (500 XP more for opening that, managed with 40% Lockpickskill and a set of Lockpicks). Actually, the contents of the safe are a bitof a disappointment. There's better stuff lying on the tables in the nextroom, free for the taking now! The downside of all this is that the Junktownguards are now hostile, and will attack you on sight, plus your Karma goesin the wrong direction by about 6 points.OK. The best NPC in Fallout is.
He's standing menacingly in frontof a door to the east, confronting two people, when you take the northernexit grid near the Crash House Hotel. Dogmeat was previously owned by abiker, so if you're wearing a Leather Jacket, he'll automatically follow you.Failing that, you can also offer him Iguana-on-a-stick (either the realMcCoy, or the fake stuff you got from Doc Morbid's place). Dogmeat is prettygood in a fight, but you have to be careful not to spray him with burstweapons, as he always rushes right into the fray and starts gnawing atthe ankles of your foes.
You get 100 XP when Dogmeat joins your party.Just north of the Skum Pitt is a makeshift boxing ring. Talk to Gustoferthere, and you'll be able to fight Saul. But only once every 3 days. Inever bothered to hang around long enough. Anyway, even if you don't fightSaul, you can walk around to the side of the boxing ring and have a chat withhim.
If you've already spoken with his girlfiend Trish, the waitress in theSkum Pitt bar, you'll get the dialogue choice to convince him that all thisboxing action is putting a strain on their relationship, and you save the dayfor 250 XP.Quests-1. Rescue Sinthia - 1000 XP.If you spend 25 Caps to stay a night at the Crash House Hotel, there's alittle crisis that has arisen when you wake up the next morning. There's acrazed gang member holding Sinthia, the girl in the next room, hostage. Ifyou manage to talk him out of it (and fork over 100 Caps), you get the fullXP; but, you can blow him away, as long as Sinthia doesn't get hurt, andstill walk away with 400 XP.2. Stop Gizmo - 600 XP and 500 Caps.You have to secure Gizmo's confession first (see section on Killian above).Then Killian will ask you to help him take out Gizmo.
If you accept, thenhe'll instruct you to talk to Lars. Get all your weapons ready before you do!After you wipe out Gizmo, Lars gives you a 500 Cap reward. Make sure youreturn to Gizmo's place later on and ransack it for goodies! Gizmo has a 9mmMauser on him.3. Bust the Skulz gang - 500 XP.Talk to Lars, the head of the guards, located just inside the entrance toJunktown.
Ask him if there's any work, and you'll get this quest. Then, visitthe Skum Pitt bar (to the NE of Gizmo's place) anytime after 16:00, whenthey're open. Talk to Neal the bartender, and ask him about 'that trophy onthe shelf'. You'll find out that it's actually an urn containing his wife'sashes.
Then, one of the Skulz gang knocks down the waitress, andNeal pulls out a gun and blows the guy away. The rest of the gang leaves.Talk to Ismarc, the travelling bard standing in the corner. If you remark'Hey, good singing', and ask him where else he performs, you'll getdirections to: The Brotherhood (important place!), Adytum, and the Hub. Also,be sure to talk to the baldy guy with the shotgun, Tycho.
He'll add 5% toyour Outdoorsman skill if you spend some time with him, and he'll eventuallyjoin your party. But not yet.Leave the Skum Pitt, and take the south exit grid. Go into the rear entranceof the Crash House Hotel (NE corner of the hotel), and talk to the head ofthe Skulz (the guy in the jeans and leather jacket, Vinnie). Ask him if youcan join his gang. As a test of allegiance, he'll ask you to steal Neal'sUrn. Save your game before attempting this! Once you have it (400 XP), returnto Vinnie, and he'll ask you to come along when they raid the Skum Pitt.
Youcan accept the offer right away, or report back to Lars, who'll bring some ofthe guards along to help. Once you've finished taking out Vinnie and Co.,Tycho will join your party. He's damn handy with a Shotgun.Sometimes, if your Karma isn't high enough, the guards will attack you afterthe fight (they don't like 'your kind'). If this happens, it's best torestore and try it without their help. If you wipe the Skulz out by yourself,which isn't all that difficult, you get 300 XP more. But, Tycho won't bethere to join you in this case.Before you kiss the Skum Pitt goodbye for good, make sure you return the Urnto Neal for some more Karma points:-)The HubThere is a lot going on here. Head south and cross an exit grid, then roundthe corner at the Far Go Traders and head east, then over another exit grid.You wind up in the Old Town area.
In a building to the north, the guystanding there in Metal Armor is Jacob, the Weapons Dealer. Expensive he maybe, but you'll be spending quite some time (and money) here! He has a verygood selection: Rocket Launcher, Sniper Rifles. And for you Melee Weaponsfans, the ultimate head basher, a Super Sledge (but you have to ask him forweapons with 'more punch' first).Right next to Jacob's place is Vance, the proscribed substances dealer,specialising in all Chems: Rad-X, RadAway, Psycho, Super Stimpaks, etc. But,you need an introduction from someone before you're allowed to talk to Vance.This someone is a certain Lemmy, who hangs out on the street near the MalteseFalcon bar on the west side of Downtown. But it's gonna cost ya! I couldn'tfind any way to avoid paying Lemmy in order to get the valuable intro toVance.
He asks for 1000 Caps, but you can get away with 800 if you havehigh CH.The Water Merchants are located in the very south of The Hub. Ask the MasterMerchant for a Water Chip. She'll reply that Necropolis might have one.
Fallout 2 Combat Armor Mk Ii
Askwhy Necropolis would need one. Whatever you do, don't haveher deliver water to your vault, for reasons that will become obviouslater on.If you speak with Deputy Fry (standing in the middle of the street with twoother Hub officers near the entrance to The Hub - daytime only), you'll learnthat the Sheriff wants to put a guy named Decker away, but doesn't havesufficient evidence to do so. If you then go talk to Decker (see Quest 2below), you'll have this evidence and you can use it immediately to bringDecker down by 'reporting a crime' to Sheriff Justin Greene at the PoliceStation, located just to the east of the GUNS store. Sheriff Greene will askyou to accompany him in taking out Decker, and for this you net 1400 XP and1300 Caps; however, you can do both Quests 1 and 2 below, thus netting both alot more XP and Caps, and still report Decker to Greene afterwards! Even withhigh CH and Speech skill though, you may have to talk to him a few timesbefore he accepts your story and believes that you didn't have anything to dowith the murders. This plan of attack gains you a whole lot more material inthe long run, but at the expense of quite a few Karma points for wiping outall those innocents.
Your call.In any case, after you and the Sheriff take out Decker, remember to head backdown to the basement of the Maltese Falcon and take all the gear off thebodies - especially Kane. He was a walking Chem store!I suppose you could do worse than hire on with one of the caravans. You getto see some places you may not have been to before, and you get XP forkilling enemies en route. The Far Go Traders visit: The Brotherhood,Junktown, and the LA Boneyard. They pay 400 Caps each way.
Crimson Caravans(located just west across the Downtown centre from Far Go) visit all of theplaces mentioned above, plus Necropolis. They pay higher (600 Caps each way),but the work is riskier because the random encounters you get with them areharder. Each caravan outfit only makes runs at set times of the month, so youmay have to wait around a few days for one to leave.The Friendly Lending Company (FLC) is located just to the west of the GUNSstore. You can take out Lorenzo and his two cronies (careful! They all haveSMG's) without losing any Karma points, and the police won't come after you.I was able to open Lorenzo's vault with 40% Lockpick skill and a set ofnormal Lockpicks.
Inside, there are loads of goodies on the shelf (mostnotably some Flamethrower fuel), and about 2000 Caps in the locker.On the west side of Downtown, south of the Maltese Falcon bar, there's a guystanding in a derelict building. His name is Irwin, and if you chat with him,he'll ask you to save his farm from a pack of raiders that have taken itover. After you wipe out the raiders and return to Irwin, he'll present youwith a one-of-a-kind.223 Pistol (made by sawing off the barrel of a.223 Rifle) as a reward. This is one hell of a weapon, and well worth thebother you have to go through to obtain it!Just NE of where Irwin was hanging out, there's Bob's Iguana Bits. Seeing ashow you know all about Doc Morbid's evil doings from your Junktown encounter,you can blackmail Iguana Bob (and promise you'll be silent about where hegets his meat) for a couple hundred Caps a week.
You get 500 XP for this, butyou lose a few Karma points. Really now, don't heroes have better things tobe doing with their time?Quests-1. Dispose of Jain - 700 XP and 5000 Caps.You can only get this quest if you complete Quest 2 for Decker. The Childrenof the Cathedral Hospital is located in the southern part of The Hub, on theway to the Water Merchants.
If you go in there with the intention of wipingout Jain, you should first talk to the kid near the entrance who is trying tosell you a flower. Get him to leave the Hospital before you start anythingwith Jain, else he's likely to get caught in the crossfire, and you'll bebranded as a Child Killer:-(After you take out Jain, her bodyguard, and the rest of the followers, besure to raid the locked room in the back of the Hospital. There's a load ofuseful Chems on the bookshelf there. And be sure to take the Purple Robes.They might come in handy sometime:-)2. Dispose of merchant - 600 XP and 3000 Caps.Talk to Kane, inside the Maltese Falcon bar (west side of Downtown). He'lltake you downstairs to meet the infamous Decker, who will offer you thisquest to bump off Daren Hightower (the merchant you could steal the necklacefrom in Quest 4) and his wife. You lose 3 Karma points if you complete thisquest, but then Decker will give you Quest 1; a chance to make even moremoney and lose yet more Karma points:-)3.
Find the missing caravans - 1800 XP and 800 Caps.Talk to Butch, the boss at the Far Go Traders. He'll give you this quest, andyou'll first hear about Deathclaws (in fact, make a mental note to askeveryone from now on about Deathclaws!) On the way out, talk to Rutger. He'llsend you to Beth, and you get a 15% discount if you buy from her becauseyou're now working for the Far Go Traders. Beth's GUNS Store is located justto the SW of the Far Go premises.
Keep pumping her for info about Deathclawsuntil she tells you about Harold, the old mutant, and Uncle Slappy. Then,head back to the Old Town area. Just to the south over the exit grid, you'llsee a guy walking in circles in front of a building.
That's Slappy. If you'vedone all the above, you'll get the option to ask him about Deathclaws too.
Hetells you to go inside and talk to Harold. Finally, ask Harold about theDeathclaw, and you also get to hear a lot about goings-on up in the NWconcerning mutants. When you've finished hearing Harold's life story,talk to Slappy again, and he'll take you to the Deathclaw cave (you get 800of the XP above for this).Once inside the cave, make sure you have your best weapons fully loaded, thenhead for the area to the SW. Targeted shots to the eyes is your bestchance against a Deathclaw. If you're lucky enough to have a powerful longrange weapon (like a Sniper Rifle, or a. Ahem, Rocket Launcher), you mighteven be able to waste the thing before he gets close enough to rip yourthroat out. If he does close in on you, then Flares also help, because it'sdark in here, dammit!
Anyway, once you've vanquished the Deathclaw, talk tothe dying mutant in the corner. He'll spout some gibberish, give you aHolodisk, then pass away. Load the Holodisk into your Pip Boy. Hey, evidence!Take the Holodisk back to the Far Go Traders and speak with Butch again.Uh oh.
He's not really interested in what you found. But Rutger is! He canread Holodisks too, and you get the rest of the XP and 800 Caps from him.4. Steal necklace from the Merchants - 500 XP, 3000 Caps, and ElectronicLockpick!Just south of Jacob the arms dealer's place in Old Town, there's a derelictbuilding inhabited by squatters. A staircase in a back room leads down. Youhave to lockpick your way through several sets of doors (and watch out fortraps).
When you arrive at the Thieve's Guild, talk to Loxley in the backroom. He'll ask you to steal something for him, as a test to prove yourworthiness to the Guild. Talk to Jasmine outside. She'll fill you in on thedetails, and provide you with a set of Lock Picks.
You have to make your wayover to the west side of The Hub (SW of the Maltese Falcon). Rest in one ofthe derelict buildings until midnight, then make your way over the westernexit grid and enter The Heights section of The Hub. You'll be immediatelyaccosted by a guard, and told to leave. Ignore him, and make your way south.Round the corner of the building there, and stay out of sight. This is DarenHightower's place - the place you need to sneak into!
Wait till the guardleaves the door (up the street to the north), then high-tail it for that doorand get inside. Daren and his wife should be in their bedroom (if you comehere during the daytime, Daren is in his office, and you won't be able to getthe necklace). Make your way to the room in the centre of the house thatcontains a strongbox. It's best if you can disarm the trap guarding thestrongbox before attempting to open it, but if you can't, it doesn't make anydifference. No one seems to hear the trap go off! Take the necklace from thestrongbox and make sure the guard has left his post outside before attemptingto exit, by the same route you came in.