Fallout 4 Body Slider Presets

It's nice to have it, but it's not a must-have.As with the poster higher up, I don't expect much more than Skyrim's version of body customization. If only because of how armor & clothing models have worked in all their previous games.(People did come up with fancy body & armor adjustment mods for Skyrim like BodySlide, but that still just modified the the basic mesh files - in-game, the armor & bodies were still just using those files as the game normally did - there was a '0 size' mesh and a '100 size' mesh for everything, and it just interpolated between the two for value between 0 and 100. Kind of hard to add additional dimensions to that. Of course, they've tweaked the engine again as they do between games, so we'll see. )Posts: 3514 Joined: Fri Oct 26, 2007 3:22 am. Honestly, I would consider height to be easier/more possible than body sculpting. Height can be done with a simple scale factor (although that wouldn't let you make a skinny-beanpole basketball player type, just an overall bigger character).
Body, on the other hand - all the armor has to follow those tweaks as well, which complicates things a bit.yeah, I thought I'd remembered right. You could change a character's scale using (and probably the other games as well).Posts: 3452 Joined: Sat Mar 24, 2007 2:58 am. I'm afraid not.Of course not, but that could be said of almost any feature right?Exactly my point.Great! This seems like the only evidence, so far, that at least NPC's will have different weights. Not sure if male/female heights are fixed.
They do seem quite similar, but is hard to tell from that image.Take a look at this screen taken by vyvexthorne: lady in the front seems to be bigger than the rest right?Yes. Or a small & sneaky guy, or a tall and thin nerd, or a hand-to-hand tower of muscle, or as yourself, or, or.Yes, you can do all of those and simply ignore height/weight, but with cinematic conversations, having your PC be as believable as possible seems like an important thing to me.Take in count you are selecting things like strenght, endurance and agility, that are at least partially related to body type.
A 10 Strenght, 10 Endurance hand-to-hand beast should look the part, in my opinion.Thanks to everyone for sharing by the way!Posts: 3431 Joined: Mon Nov 26, 2007 9:58 am. Actually, there definitely was. At the E3 demo, there was a button for 'Body' at the bottom of the screen during the facegen portion. They never explored it, but they wouldn't have a 'Body' button that didn't do anything.As for stats governing appearance, I'm pretty much against that. Not only do I really like to make mold-breaker characters (so yeah, a petite lady with the strength and constitution of an ox), but I also don't want to have to worry about my stats changing my character's appearance.
Especially in a game where our attributes can all grow to 10 as we level up. If I wanted to make my character's appearance match up with their SPECIAL stats (how would you make a character look lucky, perceptive, or intelligent anway?), I'd just design the character that way myself.Posts: 3386 Joined: Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:55 am.
Fallout 4 Body Slide Preset
I would love a morph system like they have for the face. Which is similar to the one in Sims 4. So I can play a really curvy female char, I love rocking that behind, those big briasts, and the wide hips with thick legs. But they haven't showed anything, which is most likely because there's nothing to show other than what we have in Skyrim, simple slider and that's it. We have seen some female characters having a little more weight to them, but again this is just an example of what you can do with a single body slider.I think we're gonna have to wait for the first body mods if we want more than just two meshes that we slide between in char creation. Skyrim has some really gorgeous ones, and external program with lots of sliders.:3I do hope I'm wrong, I hate having to update all vanilla clothing to fit another body shape.Posts: 3511 Joined: Sat Dec 01, 2007 1:34 pm.
Oh, the thread looks familiar.my opinion, yes i would be happy to have a body morph option, similar to the options for the face. Many online games already have shown, that this works nice. Yes, Sims 4 aswell.To the body button, yes it was there:aswell have written my opinion and concerns in the other thread. Clothing morphing is possible and works on many games already. But the engine has to support it.Possibles i see the game could have:1. No high and body slider at all, aswell no other options.This is highly doubtful, because we have seen the button for body. So something is there.2.
High and Weight options.What i fear, would be the case.3. Different body models you can chose form.This would open the option, to create bodies with the creation kit and add them to the game. Ingame sliders wouldn't be nessesary and that the engine supports different bodies has been shown already in Skyrim.4. Body morpher in character creation ingame and for NPCs inside the (Garden of Eden) Creation Kit.What i hope is in.Question is, if the engine supports this. But there is a mod, who actually enabled character modification inside the game, not only like CBBEs outside the game. (Enhanced Character Edit):with the right mesh, the engine seems to support it. Other question is, if this works with the NPCs and clothings aswell.
Would be nice to give the npcs different body styles aswell.Posts: 3326 Joined: Thu Apr 05, 2007 11:50 am.
Really liking your work, but I have a few questions about the weight gain mod for fallout 4. Some might have already been answered.Is your mod compatible with the nexus mod manager and do I need all of the armour mods to get it working?I really like the extra sliders so would it be possible to get just the sliders for extreme dimensions so I can have some really good looking blobs spawning in at random?I already have a long list of presets that randomly distributes some interesting dimensions to raiders and settlers when they spawn/recycle but trying your mod with those seems to be buggy. Should I start a new save or completely clean install before using your mod?Thanks in advance, keep up the great work.