Sim City 4 Download Region

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SimCity 4 & SimCity 4 Rush Hour RegionsCustomizing a region is fairly easy with the included toolset. All youdo is load an area in God mode (the starting mode for a new city) andyou can paint on geographical features like mountains, craters, mesasand canyons. You can even add an assortment of animals to your landscapebut they quickly disappear and won't become a part of your city. There'salso an erosion tool that will smooth out your entire region so thosestiff-peaked mountains can be rounded off a bit. All in all the terraintools are very powerful and fairly easy to use.You can choose a random region and customize it to your satisfaction whichcan be a chore if you want an interesting landscape.

Simcity 4 Download City Regions

There is aregion creator (downloadable) that works very well. This can be used asa SimCity 4 terrain generator and you can download it. I use it to createregions and then go to individual cities and paint the terrain or not. It'scalled '(SSRACC) and it's a free download. I used it to make the two regions below.I am not for sure, but this may work as a simcity 4 deluxe regiondownload.The site has a ' page to help you get started. It has been a beta for about sixyears now, but I find it a lot better than making.bmp files with PaintShop or Paint. That's just way too much work.The region on the left is composed of 16 large cities.

This was my firstattempt at cutting rivers with the SSRACC so, if you want to use it,you'll have to do a little work on the rivers (remove some land fromthem).The region on the right is composed of 14 large and 8 medium cities and can be played asis. However, if you want mountains, rivers, valleys, canyons, hills andmaybe some sea, then its to god mode and the terrain editor.A blank Region with 64 (8 x 8)large cities is downloadable on left NavBar.


Simcity 4 Download Full


Sim City 4 Download Region 3

The Folder iscompressed (.zip) and will need to be extracted and placed in your 'My DocumentsSimCity 4Regions ' folder.The name of the region is 'NewRegion'. The name can be changed by editing the region.ini file.Change the Name = New Region Line to thename you want for the region. Rename the file New Region.bmp to thename you used above 'YourName.bmp'. Don't changethe name of config.bmp.In the screen shot below, I resized the Regions folder and Notepad foran example.

I choose the name of MetroPlains for the region. Save the region.ini file and load SimCity.I could have placed a space between Metro & Plains (Metro Plains), butold habits die hard and I have the habit of not using spaces for filenames on my server.Regions folder and regions.ini file with New Region.Regions folder and regions.ini file after renaming.bmp and editing.ini file.Presto! Your new region is ready for populating.

Even better, there are lots of areas of the world that have been converted to game regions (and a user who will take your requests for new ones), but you'll need some Graphical Editing tools to be able to put them into the game.The most common ones will be SC4 Terraformer (you can download it at SC4Devotion, do a Google search) and SC4 Mapper (Same place). They need some work to get them working, Mapper needs a custom BATch file to start it up with a spoofed C:Documents and Settings folder and Terraformer needs a recompiled version of one of its binaries. Do searches for 'Mapper Windows Vista' and 'Terraformer Windows 7 SP1' (Without the quotes) at SC4 Devotion to find the posts where the fixes are.

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