Shooting With Your Middle Finger

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  1. Point Shooting Rifle

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Other Related Subreddits:Four Main Rules of Firearms SafetyBefore handling an airsoft gun or real firearm, remember, and remind those around you about these rules. How does imo work. Treat all guns as if they are loaded. Never let the muzzle cover anything you are not willing to destroy. Keep your finger off the trigger until your sights are on the target.

Be sure of your target and what is beyond it.if something is broken or wrong. A couple reasons, mostly situation specific:.Point shooting. Your brain has an of where all your body parts are positioned. This means you know where your index finger is pointing, and if it's pointing along a barrel, you'll know instinctively where your shots will go. This becomes useful when you're too close or things are moving too fast to establish a nice pretty sight picture, or even bring the barrel to your shoulder; for example, when you have to draw and literally shoot from the hip.


It's not very accurate, but at the ranges where you need to use it, it's good enough.Sometimes your hand just ends up with your middle finger on the trigger. You probably didn't intend to do this, but if your middle finger is on the trigger and there's a target in your sights, you're not going to adjust.For some people it is more comfortable.As others have mentioned, it keeps your index finger on the mag release. I've never been in a situation where I've needed to reload that fast, but we all know airsoft is at least 50% masturbation anyways.

If quick reloads help you get your COD hardon, go for it. People who do so possibly grew up playing games with controllers encouraging usage of the middle fingers as the trigger finger, and the index as a secondary trigger finger (think Playstation and Xbox controllers with a large trigger on bottom, and a secondary trigger up top as an alternate button).Articulation muscle development is something everyone grows up not really understanding, and you can almost see the differences in control intuitiveness based off what they consider most comfortable. It breeds different methods of control and initial accuracy.Example:It's like a Print versus Cursive argument. Ask some people if they can print faster than cursive, and you can pretty much narrow down to which generation they're part of even though they might not know why. Based on their level of comfort, you can then tell differences between their fine motor control in different hand positions, and what they consider their 'intuitive' control method. Hand versus finger versus arm control specifically which is something to correlate touch versus type versus pointing (eye or arm) comfort levels for certain generations.In another example:I've noted a few people under a certain age feel uncomfortable shooting, or controlling handguns and rifles (real steel) until their gripping technique is developed. Full development of their articulation muscle groups are also needed to make them feel comfortable doing a trigger squeezing action versus a full on hand gripping motion.a lot of younger shooters lack initial control, but have excellent spatial recognition and so usually have no problem shooting a target, but do have problems with precision or accuracy initially.In one instance (this case specifically airsoft) I watched and asked someone who shot with their middle finger to try using the index.

Point Shooting Rifle

They had some difficulty maintaining a steady rate of fire and complained their middle finger was more comfortable to shoot with. Once switched, their arm and hand stress seemed to disappear, and their shots became steadier. The particular person ALWAYS preferred to walk their fire rather than try to zero their point of aim as well.something I took note of for future interest at the time.An interesting difference I've also noted are people who grew up playing PC games with mouse left click as the primary means of activation seem to have more of a development for index finger manipulation, and usually don't have the hand cramping issues a lot of new shooters complain about past a certain age.I'd love for someone to write a paper on this one day. It's intriguing.

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