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One of Blizzard’s mottoes for raiding in Wrath was, Previously, Blizzard had attempted (with varying success) to encourage raid leaders to bring a variety of classes — which mostly worked until one ability was so suited to a raid that experienced players were ditched so that alts or inexperienced characters of the optimal class/ spec could be fitted in.The new strategy involved duplicating buffs and abilities more between classes. Raid leaders now had more options for assembling the optimal set of raid buffs, hopefully being now able to include the players they wanted to bring.But how is this really working out in practice? Here’s some bullet points, based on what I have noticed:. Individual players don’t feel as meaningful. If there are seven different people in your raid who can provide a desirable buff or debuff, it doesn’t really matter that you’re there too. In fact, you may even end up arguing about who should provide which buff or debuff. Non-optimal compositions have been really successful in normal mode raiding.
(Whether this is because the buffs are spread out or because the raids are easier, I couldn’t say.). Hard raids do seem to have more options than previously but some classes are still better than others.
Shamans and Paladins would need to be nerfed to the ground not to be optimal in 10 man raids – they simply provide that many more buffs than anyone else. If people aren’t being brought purely for one desirable buff or ability, then their base tank/dps/heal capability is the only way to stand out. I think this has tended to blur roles and make the tank/dps classes feel more similar. Healers are due to be more homogenized next expansion. I still struggle to get raid spots on my dps DK alt. Maybe if it was an enhancement shaman or retridin Blizzard are evidently happy with the results of this policy because they’re extending it into Cataclysm. Shamans will be sharing bloodlust with mages.
Death Knight and Warrior tanks will be sharing more buffs and debuffs. And there are rumours of yet more buff homogenization to come.When it doesn’t matter what you play, does it actually MATTER what you play?Posted inTagged,. I think we can agree that yelling at people in frustration is not the best way to pass on information. ( and comments.)But when we’re playing in a group in a MMO, a lot of information needs to be communicated quickly.
Are we trying to focus fire and if so, does everyone know what they are supposed to be hitting at any time? Do you need to ask another player to remove a debuff from you? Have you just used a cooldown that your tank or healer or dps needs to know about? Are you going to assume someone else’s role because they just died in combat?A lot of our abilities are designed to interlock with each other. A buff from one player might significantly affect the abilities or optimal ability use of another. If you have debuffs, you need to know when to use them. When you think about it, that’s a crazy amount of information that needs to be assimilated quickly.So how do we do it?.

Pre Pre-planning. This is where you discuss the fight and tactics in detail on a bboard before you even step into the instance. Pre-planning. If you know what will happen in a fight, you can pre-arrange the kill order, any crowd control, any other tactics, and roughly when significant buffs will be used. UI.
We rely heavily on the user interface for information about when players have buffs or debuffs active on them. This is automatic information provided by the game (and the UI addons, if you use them) and doesn’t require anyone to actually say ‘I’m poisoned!’. Flashy graphics. Some spells just come with very unmistakeable graphical effects that no one can miss if they’re paying attention.
Boss cues. Some bosses will cue before they make a special attack with either a graphic or some kind of yell. Games don’t tend to use pure audio cues; I’d like to think this was in respect of deaf gamers but it’s probably just because they know a lot of people play with the sound off. Text and macros. Sometimes the easiest way to inform your group or raid when you’ve used a cooldown or buff is to macro in an automatic comment on group or raid chat when you activate it. Just used Bloodlust.
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The only problem is not everyone reads text chat in the middle of a fight. Shout on voice chat. Best saved for if something really unexpected happens and pre-arranged plans have to change on the fly. Also probably best left for the raid leader.
We don’t. No one says or types a word. We just assume we roughly know what they’ll be doing and go with it. (Really common in 5 man instances in WoW these days, or any content where it isn’t critical to micro-manage.)Either way, it is a huge amount of information to process and I think regular raiders often forget how enormously overwhelming it may have felt when you first tried a raid, particularly as a healer or debuffer.Broadcasting TauntsGiven the sheer amount of information flying around, I’ve always tended to the cautious side when I’m deciding which of my abilities and cooldowns to publicise. I was thinking about this lately because with the heroic beasts fight, we do a lot of tank switching in the first part.
Which would automatically tell people on the raid channel when I’d used various different abilities. What I really wanted was to let people know if a taunt had failed, but I figured I might as well add an inform about Shield Wall also (it’s a tanking cooldown).You know the worst part? Not people complaining about spam because actually no-one complained.

I got the impression it was felt to be generally useful. Nope, the most difficult part about automatically informing your group when you use an ability is that they automatically also get informed when you press the button by mistake.You don’t realise how naked this makes you feel until you try it. I mean, OF COURSE I press taunt at the wrong time sometimes. So does every tank who ever lived, unless they have it bound somewhere really inaccessible. If it’s not being broadcast, you just whisper to the other tank afterwards and apologise.
They’ll shrug it off, we all do it. If using taunt by mistake means it wasn’t up when you really needed it then you can always fake that it missed or failed.
But if you broadcast your abilities, then suddenly your entire raid becomes a backseat driver. Or at least it can feel that way.So one positive side to broadcasting my taunts and cooldowns? You can bet I’m way more careful with them now. There’s no doubt that it’s made me a better player, in that sense at least.Posted inTagged,.
Comment by WhiterockCasting Speed debuff is 50% now.And btw - could you markup each buff/debuff as if they are 'passive' or 'action required' ones?Passive as - either part of dps rotation like or things that just pre-applied or 'stay on' like.And action ones - like or - where special non-standart action needs to be performed.Might mind that for some cases variable results apply, like for warrior:make it passive for tank.make it passive for dps, but otherwise it's active via.Edit: To prevent overspamming with many links and stuff - could do them via toggles under each (de)buff;). Comment by SenkaI guess this isn't spam if I just post updates. Well, there was a large update with Hunter pets.
Show All Debuffs Wow Legion Guide
While you could just go to the updated Alpha Notes yourself, you'd still need to manually get the spell ID's for all the abilities, and I could use something to do anyway.First off, Dragonfly is apparently now a Hook Wasp, so change any Dragonfly mentions to that. Good luck not mixing it up with.Also, since you talked about layout changes, I'm sure you noticed the huge class icons for Stats.BuffsStamina: BearSpell Power: Serpent and SilithidHaste: HyenaDebuffsMagic Vulnerability: Bat, Chimaera (also applied through but Frost Breath is more relevant so no need to list both), Core HoundMortal Wounds: Carrion Bird, removed from Crocolisks for now. Comment by SenkaAnother update to the, another huge wave of updates to this.First and most importantly: Physical and Magical Vulnerability categories have flat out been removed.However, I would recommend saving the code for those tabs just in case Blizzard changes their mind. You never know.In general, anything that provided the Physical Vulnerability debuff now provides the Versatility buff instead, and anything that provided the Magical Vulnerability debuff now provides the Multistrike buff instead. Comment by 3ceph0los Hunters guide to WoD raid buffs:There are 3 ways to cover all buffs using all BM's exotic pets. Attack Power will always be covered by hunter's passive skill.
This leaves 8 buffs left to cover with 5 pets. The most important of buffs for damage being Multistrike, Versatility, Mastery, and Critical Strike for hunters and most often need to be provided by them. With the ability at level 100 (best for MM and SV spec.), hunter's have the flexibility to cover all buffs.Notes:. Spirit Beasts are the only exotic pet with a Mastery buff. Cats, Hydras, or Plainswalkers are equal substitutes for Spirit Beasts. Rylaks are the only exotic pet with a Haste buff.
Sporebats have the only party-wide Haste buff (as opposed to being limited to a 100 yd. Range) and are therefore preferred to Hyenas or Wasps.1. Without RylakStats - Shale SpiderStam - SilithidSpell Pwr - SilithidMulti - ClefthoofVers - ClefthoofCrit - Shale Spider2. With RylakStats - WormStam - RylakSpell Pwr - Water StriderMulti - ClefthoofVers - Clefthoof / WormCrit - Water Strider3. With CorehoundStats - WormStam - RylakSpell Pwr - Water StriderMulti - Corehound (Ancient Hysteria)Vers - WormCrit - Water Strider4.

With Quillen(Either Stats or Haste will be missing in either version)a. Without HasteStats - WormStam - SilithidSpell Pwr - SilithidMulti - Corehound (Ancient Hysteria)Vers - WormCrit - Quillen (Battle Rez)b. Without StatsStam - RylakSpell Pwr - Water StriderMulti - ClefthoofVers - ClefthoofCrit - Quillen (Battle Rez). Comment by myrkatA solid 5-pet stable for a raiding Hunter (Beast Master) would be:.
covering Stats & Critical Strike via. covering Multistrike & Versatility via.
covering Stamina & Haste via. covering Mastery via (and adds a heal via ). also covering Critical Strike via but this pet provides a useful battle rez (BREZ) withThis is about as versatile as a Beast Master Hunter can be, leaving out only the 's (Burst Haste). Usually there are enough classes to cover this, or at least some drums for the slightly-less beneficial buff.