Redmon Redirection Port Monitor Virus

Posted on  by  admin

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Hi.I too have the Happili virus and maybe more. Used both MalwareBytes and SuperAntispyware with no success.Now trying to get logs posted far I have able to run defogger to disable CD emulation programs however I have been unsuccessful in downloading DDS so far.

Redmon Redirection Port Monitor Virus Windows 7

Also each time I try to shutdown/ /restart the computer I get various error messages (iexplore.exe not responding, etc.) Will post DDS and GMER log as soon as I can get them to download!! May need help with that also. Thanks!Edited by uptick, 03 April 2012 - 01:40 PM. Ok I ran Combofix.

Said computer infected w/ rootkit.zeroaccess. Later asked for reboot and rebooted.Seemed to be scanning just fine, however came up later with screen 'a problem has been detected and windows has been shut down. ' Did a forced shutdown and started in safe mode.

No luck, same screen.Tech info on bottom of (blue) screen is STOP: 0x0000007B (0xf7A79528, oxC0000034, 0x00000000,0x00000000).Now what should I do. Tried another safe mode start.

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Still no luck same blue screen with message ' a problem.' .Edited by uptick, 04 April 2012 - 11:30 AM.

Ok it is asking.CAUTION. if I am sure that I want to write a new MBR.

So far everytime I push asks me. Are you sure you want to write a new MBR?(pushed enter 3 times, asked me 3 times) Should I keep pushing Enter?ok now I have pushed enter 12 times. I keeps asking me the same question.Are you sure you want to wtire a new MBR?Rebooted and tried the process again. No luck It says 'this computer appears to have a non-standard or invalid master boot record. FIXMBR may damage your partition tables if you proceed. Etc' I push enter and it keeps asking the question 'Are you sure.'

How many enter pushes to I need to make ie is it a fail safe and want to ask you x number of times before it executes?Edited by uptick, 04 April 2012 - 02:41 PM. Try this please.

I tried a reboot a few times, I took the USB out while up and running and stuck it in again.I even erased the UBS and reloaded it again. Still no showing up. However I did get another folder showing up in the mnt folder (empty thou).

I will keep trying. The is suppose to show up in the mnt/sda1 folder correct?Any more suggestions. ( i am assuming i was to download the program onto the USB, not the hyperlink)Thanks for your helpEdited by uptick, 04 April 2012 - 06:35 PM.

Redmon redirection port monitor 64 bit

Redmon Redirection Port Monitor

Redirection Port Monitor Redirection Port MonitorThe RedMon port monitor redirects a special printer portto a program.RedMon is commonly used with Ghostscript and a non-PostScriptprinter to emulate a PostScript printer.RedMon can be used with any program that accepts data onstandard input.Using RedMon you create redirected printer ports. If you connect aWindows printer driver to the redirected printer port, all data sentto the redirected port will be forwarded by RedMon to thestandard input of a program.

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