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I will try to put as much information as possible about my situation. I know I installed it properly, when I open up minecraft it says in the corner 'Minecraft 1.6.4 MCP v8.11 FML v6.4.49.965 Minecraft Forge 3 mods loaded, 3 mods active' I also have (under the 'singleplayer' and 'multiplayer' buttons), a button that says 'mods' which shows the 3 mods that come with the installation of forge. However, when I put mods into the 'mods' folder that forge creates automatically under.minecraft, it doesn't affect the game at all. It doesn't cause the game to crash, doesn't load the mod, nothing.
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It just has no affect on the game whatsoever.Also, I am using windows 8, if that makes a difference. I had the same problems on an old windows 7 computer so it must be me that's doing something wrong.Any help would be greatly appreciated. Quote fromAlthough it would be easier to help with better pictures, and knowing what mods you are trying to install, my biggest question is this; are the mods actually for the right version.The biggest thing that would make me be able to help you is knowing what mods you are attempting to install.The only other thing i can think of is that for some odd reason you have two different minecraft locations.I've tried to install so many that it got cluttered on my downloads, so i deleted them all. The only one I have right now is a shader mod, which I found here:It's the GLSL Shaders mod v2.2.0. All the other mods I had downloaded said they were compatible with forge and that they were for 1.6.4, but I havent tried installing this shader mod yet and I've completely deleted my.minecraft and downoaded it again (I backed up my saves) and I just reinstalled forge, so I'm going to try this mod now.Edit: I ended up using this instead and that finally worked for me, I guess it was that the other mods weren't compatible with the forge I was using.
How to download the mc command center sims 4. June 18 - Patch day for The Sims 4 on PC/Mac! XD anyways I really want to download mc command center but I have no clue how to install it. First, you have to download the mod. Keep in mind. For example, “The Sims 4ModsMCCC” is ok but “The Sims 4ModsScript ModsMCCC” is not.
H.H.T.D.In World of Warcraft healers have to die. This is a cruel truth that you'retaught very early in the game. This add-on helps you influence this unfortunatedestiny in a way or another depending on the healer's side.This add-on is now known as H.H.T.D.I originally chose the original name as a provocation to make one of the basiccruel truths of World of Warcraft perfectly obvious to everyone. Now I findthis name too harsh, too long and mostly not specific enough to WoW.As an author I could not stand that name anymore. This add-on does have anexistence (and meaning) both in WoW and in the real world where obviously wedon't want the death of our beloved healers.While H.H.T.D is just an acronym of the original name, it will stay in World ofWarcraft where it belongs.Current features:.HHTD automatically adds healer symbols on top of players nameplate indicatingtheir class and healing rank. Unlike other add-ons it only takes into accountactively healing players. ( It uses different symbols for friends and foes).HHTD lets you apply custom marks on top of any unit's nameplate.
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These are thesame marks as the default raid markers but you can set as many as you wantand customize their look.These marks persist across game sessions. (They are only visible to you)IMPORTANT NOTE: You have to enable nameplates, else you won't see any healer symbol!.HHTD lets you announce through a customizable message who theenemy and friendly healers are (using the Raid Warning channel if possible).It will also help you protect the healers who are on your side alerting youwhen they are being attacked (check the option panel for details).Helps you target healers easily when they are in a pack.All of this applies to PVP and PVE.NOTE: Type /HHTDG to open the configuration panel. There are many settingsto check!HHTD's options are not directly available in the 'Interface' panel due to ongoing tainting issues Blizzard is not willing to fix. Nice to see this addon still works:) One question: is there a way to make it work in pve only on npc healers? So it won't bother me with notifications about the group/raid healer being attacked (pfft, they're always attacked by something those days), but will still notice about mobs healing their fellow npcs?Another extremely minor thing is the message on login/reload about hhtd being enabled getting annoying after a few months ^^' Would be nice if there was a way to disable it without poking at code (I just added - before self:Print(L'ENABLED'); to make it stop for now).